The first that you have to know is that when I chose to study to be a pharmaceutical chemist, what I had in mind when I graduated was working in the pharmaceutical industry, but when I had classes about the profession and the different areas in which it can perform and what it does in each of them, I ended up opting for another very different area, which is what I currently aspire to (for now), which is to work in clinical pharmacy, in this job I hope I can help a lot of people more directly in different ways related to drugs as guide them on how to take a medication or some adverse interaction of drugs, all to educate the population more.

Working in clinical pharmacy, the pharmacist has to be inside the hospital mostly, so mainly the activities would be indoor, in a pharmacy and / or an office where he can effectively manage drugs and the appropriate treatment for the patients, but they can also do activities outdoor such as going to visit prostrate patients, give talks or take care of procedures related to the dispensing of drugs.

In this work probably travel by work topics are very few, perhaps there is to perfect and innovate, but not very often.

In the topic of the salary that I hope to earn, I haven’t really investigated so much about this topic, but I would like to earn about $CLP 700.000- 800.000 (USD$ 1.000-1.150), since I think this salary is very realistic in a new job,  and with the past of time go earning more.

To get to this work I would need to study everything related to physicochemical interactions of the drugs with the human body and how they affect it, I would also have to study issues related to public health and obviously clinical pharmacy, mainly. This because I need all this knowledge in order to provide the best care to patients.

Finally, It’s worth saying that here in Chile aren’t many pharmaceutical chemists that work in the clinical area, since this area is beginning to expand, especially in public health, where only a while ago they are incorporating pharmaceutical chemists as part of the medical team, for this, I know it is difficult to enter this area, so, I hope that by the time I graduate, in this area many more pharmacists are needed and it is easier to enter and be able to work in this area.

Comentarios { 2 }
  1. But but but this salary is very low D: A pharmacist earns more than 1 million even when it is new.
